Wednesday, July 08, 2020


  • Perspective is your point of view
  • Perception is what you interpret out of it
  1. "Let's see if I am wrong" kind of thinking has died out. Now it's mostly "I am right, my view is right. Period."
  2. Logic is the enemy of perception. Logi leads to post-rationalization. 
Change of perception >> Change of emotions >> Change of view/thinking [Logic or data cannot do this]
  • See the world around you
    • Understand the deficiencies of sight
      • People are "blind" 8% of their day (blinking). Our mind covers it by image processing (cortex which has 30% for vision processing alone).
      • We are confident that we see the complete picture without realizing that the gaps are filled by the mind thru image processing. 
      • Optic nerve blocks part of the retina and creates a blind spot. The rest of the picture is "filled in" by the brain. 
      • Peripheral vision is out of focus, and at most can sense movement. 
      • We see only those areas we focus on. We don't focus on the same thing, we keep moving our eyes (Saccadic eye movement). We piece all these images together and then it looks like we are seeing the real world. 
    • Understand your "blind spots" (What are you blind to?)

  • Hear the world around you
    • Understand the deficiencies of sound
    • People have a finite and temporary amount of "working memory"
    • Every time they switch tasks, they erase what they are working on (on the sketch board) and fill it with the new information, which means the old stuff is essentially gone except part of it that is stored in the long term memory.
    • If someone is on PC or on a mobile phone in your meeting, they are not 100% listening to you. 
    • When you design stuff keep a note of the concept of "working memory" --- designing an e-commerce screen for an e-comm website what are you asking people to keep in their working memory.
  • Read the world around you
    • Read multiple perspectives, viewpoints, and then arrive at a decision.kinlay ranking of 
  • Feel the world around you
Iconic Memory

It's fast but is very short. 

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