Friday, July 31, 2020

Microservices vs. API (Edureka)


Monolithic Architecture

  • Front end, back end, business logic all reside in a single code base. 
Example Scenario is that of Amazon Market. 

In the case of Monolithic Architecture,

Microservices Architecture

    In the case of Microservices Architecture,

    • In case of a Microservice architecture, all the three functionalities - customer information, products available in cart and All the products available, can be put in three different services. 
      • Service A - Customer information
      • Service B - Products available in cart
      • Service C - All products available
    • Composite Microservice - will take data from all the three services above and display it to the customer. 

    Microservices or Microservices Architecture is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small autonomous services, modelled around a business domain. In a Microservices Architecture, each service is self-contained and implements a single business capability. 


    Application Programming Interfaces most commonly known as APIs is a way to ensure two applications communicate with each other to process client requests. 

    HTTP Methods used by APIs

    APIs use the above methods to communicate between the client and the respective functionality / feature of the app (service).

    Where are APIs used in Microservices?

    API interfaces between the client and the Microservice. 


    Microservice is an architectural style through which you can build applications in the form of small autonomous services.

    APIs are set of procedures / functions which allow customers to use the underlying service of an application. 

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