Thursday, January 31, 2019

Skunk Works - Lockheed Martin built (the fighter jet) in 143 Days (courtesy Lockheed Martin and

Quote this example for Agile / Rapid Delivery

  • In 1943, the U.S. Army’s Air Tactical Service Command (ATSC) met with Lockheed Aircraft Corporation to express its dire need for a jet fighter to counter a rapidly growing German jet threat. 
  • Engineer Kelly Johnson and his team designed and built the XP-80 Shooting Star in only 143 days, seven less than was required.
  • Kelly's 14 Rules & Practices (some of the 14 rules and practices reflect upon the close analogy to agile practices).
    • The Skunk Works® manager must be delegated practically complete control of his program in all aspects. He should report to a division president or higher. -->> AUTONOMY
    • The number of people having any connection with the project must be restricted in an almost vicious manner. Use a small number of good people (10% to 25% compared to the so-called normal systems). -->> SMALL TEAMS
    • A very simple drawing and drawing release system with great flexibility for making changes must be provided. --> NO BIG UPFRONT DESIGN / SMALL 
    • There must be a minimum number of reports required, but important work must be recorded thoroughly -->> NO OR MINIMAL DOCUMENTATION
    • There must be a monthly cost review covering not only what has been spent and committed but also projected costs to the conclusion of the program. // Funding a program must be timely so that the contractor doesn't have to keep running to the bak to support government projects -->> INCREMENTAL FUNDING (and Review).
    • The contractor must be delegated and must assume more than normal responsibility to get good vendor bids for subcontract on the project. Commercial bid procedures are very often better than military ones -->> COLLABORATION OVER CONTRACT NEGOTIATION
    • There must be mutual trust between the military project organization and the contractor, the very close cooperation and liaison on a day-to-day basis. This cuts down misunderstanding and correspondence to an absolute minimum. -- >> TRUST / OPENNESS / RESPECT, etc.

Bottomline: This only proves that the Agile principles are indeed tried and tested and not just philosophies of good craftsmanship. 

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