Friday, December 14, 2018

The Coaching Habit - Michael Bungay Stanier - Tips

Questions Coaches should be asking

1. And what else?

Have you thought of
What about
Did you consider

Stop offering advice with a question mark attached.

2. What is the real challenge for you here?

Focus on the real problem, not the first problem

3. Stick to questions starting with WHAT -- 

DONT ASK WHY questions -- it will put the respondents in the defensive / OR it will appear or you indeed are solving the problem.

Example conversation

Whats on your mind?

Is there anything else on your mind?

So, what's the real challenge for you here?

And What else (in most cases the person will still have something more to add).

Probe further by asking Is there anything else?

4. What do you want?

Untangle / differentiate the NEEDS from the WANTS

5. How can i help?

6. If you are saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?

note: acknowledge the answers you get. This will encourage the speaker.

7. What was most useful to you?

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