Thursday, January 25, 2007

Software Quality Gap Analysis

Software Quality Gap Analysis is based on customer's Process Improvement requirements mapped to Quality Models and the Desired/Targeted State. The customer may want to benchmark against a quality model, or may want to target a specific area like PPQA, and restrict to that area alone. Gap Analysis in such case is performed against the best practices and industry standards in that area.

Gap Analysis can be done against models like CMMI, ISO, COBIT, PCMMI, ITIL, etc. apart from targeting specific process areas.

Sometimes, in-house quality gap analysis is also carried out. SEPG studies the process improvement plans and comes up with changes (or in a few cases redefines the existing process) or deploys a new process. The feasibility is studied and plans are made for a pilot deployment. Measures are defined; projects are selected on which the new process would be experimented. Subsequent to training the selected project teams, and implementation of the process, metrics are collected regularly to study the process performance. If it is along expected / projected lines, then the process is institutionalized.

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