Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Agile problems with AAG

Like most other companies, AAG too has been on the path to Enterprise Agility for several years, which is quite evident in the ways of working (Purple) of teams. Most teams have some sort of autonomy, are multi-skilled (full stack developers at least), and the deployment releases are fairly regular (with excellent CI/CD tool usage) and predictable. The feedback from the business too has been early, and adds value to the unit of work delivered. Encouragingly, it's fairly a widespread phenomenon, unlike in other companies where excellence is limited to certain pockets. 

While those are the positives, the negatives aren't too few, nor something that can be disregarded. Here I list some of the things that could still be improved with intent, right mindset and responsible leadership.

  1. Lack of demand funnel. 
  2. Program level prioritisation is cowboy-style individual feat (in that the heavyweights have significant say) than a collective exercise.
  3. Leadership may not be democratic and likely non-aligned with goals and aspirations of teams.
  4. Constant team flux, changes, team-movement.
  5. Frequent ways of working model changes. 
  6. Poorly defined feedback mechanisms for contractors. 
  7. Perception-based judgements. 
  8. Over-reliance on business analysts who double up as iteration managers.
  9. Not an open culture in some teams, and fear lurking on the flanks with respect to team bigwigs. 
  10. Last but not the least, Business agility is still in the stone age.

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