Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Scrum Drawbacks (Based on blackbot post)


  • Scrum guide is intentionally unclear and incomplete (lacks methodological guidelines / foundation rules. Therefore one is forced to interpret terms and meanings. 
  • Vagueness makes it possible to interpret scrum differently to fit different peoples' situations and opinions. Allows people to generate any scrum interpretation they want to agree with. 
  • This vagueness has created an entire commercial industry around scrum, selling frameworks / scaled models. 
  • Because of above, Scrum cannot be judged as wrong or right. Every interpretation appears okay within its own context.
  • Absence of guidelines leads people to count a particular term in the scrum guide hoping that a higher frequency of a term would mean something. 
  • None of the Scrum guides explain how Scrum views or defines value, what product management is, nor how value is tied to the product manager role or product management.

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