Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) - How To

Value Stream Map: The Graphical Visualization of the Value Stream is called the Value Stream Map.

It shows the diagram of all the major steps involved in delivery a product or service from supplier to customer. 

How is it different from a Process Map?

It is a High-level process map, however with additional customer data, process data, information flows to get sense of where a value is added and where there is a waste.
It is used to:
  1. Map flow
  2. Understand dependencies
  3. Identify and Understand sources of waste
  4. Remove waste
  5. Re-create an efficient process
* If you want to view a certain step in detail, you can then create a detailed process map for that particular process block.

What if you don't have hard data?

  • Walk the process
  • Observe
  • Obtain estimates from people
  • Get collective estimates of project team

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