Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Implementing Configuration Management for Software Testing Projects

To analyze test process performance, testers typically review and analyze the test process artifacts produced and used during a project cycle. However, these testing artifacts, along with their related use cases, evolve during a project cycle and can frequently have multiple versions by project end. Hence, analysis of the process performance from different perspectives requires that testers know exactly which versions of artifacts they used for different tasks. For example, to analyze why the test effort estimates were not sufficiently accurate, testers need the initial versions of use cases, test analysis, and test design specifications they used as a basis for the effort estimation. In contrast, a causal analysis of software defects missed in testing requires testers to have the latest versions of use cases, test analysis, and test design specifications used in test execution.

Read rest of the article here: http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/2005/07/0507Boycan.html
Courtesy: STSC (Software Technology Support Center)

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