Saturday, February 09, 2008

PPB and PCB...

Process Performance Baseline

Process Performance is a measure of the actual results achieved by following a process.

PPB is a documented characterization of the actual results achieved by following a process, which you use as a benchmark for comparing actual process performance against expected process performance. You establish a process performance baseline typically at the project level, [PPB=Project Level] although you will use the PCB to derive initial process performance baseline.

PPB documents the historical results achieved by following a process for a given project. Once a PPB is developed, it is then used as a benchmark for comparing actual process performance in a project against expected process performance. PPB for each project is collected and is used to define PCB (at organization level).
Process Capability is the range of results that can be achieved by following a process.

Quantitative Process Management is achieved by using Process Database, and PCB (Process Capability Baseline). PCB is derived from PDB and contains capability of different processes in quantitative terms.

Process Capability Baseline

PCB is a documented characterization of the range of expected results that would normally be achieved by following a specific process under typical circumstances. A process capability baseline is typically established at an organizational level. [PCB=Organization Level]

PCB specifies, based on data of past projects, what the performance of a process is. That is, what a project can expect by following a process. The performance factors of a process are primarily those that relate to quality and productivity. PCBs define - Productivity, Quality, Effort Distribution, Defect Distribution, Defect Injection Rate, CoQ, etc.

Using the capability baseline, a project can predict at a gross level the effort that will be needed for various stages, the defects likely to be observed during various development activities, and quality and productivity of the project.

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